22 October 2021 – Grant for Purchase of Humane Traps Approved
Thank you to The Mainland Foundation for approving our grant application for $2,880 to purchase more humane traps for our Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) work. This grant will enable us to maximise the number of traps we have available as we work through another very busy “kitten season” and increased requests for help with stray cats. We are also able to replenish our equipment to replace older traps and traps that have gone missing. We are very grateful for the support from The Mainland Foundation to be able to carry out this vital work.
28 May 2021 – desexing grant application approved

Discount Microchipping 2020

The cost is (Eftpos Available)
$30 for one cat
$25 per cat after that. (For multi cat discount all cats must have the same owner!)
This price includes registration on the New Zealand Companion Animal Register